Zafel web design and internet marketing
Internet Marketing

Internet Marketing Services

What role does the Internet play in your business strategy and marketing plan today and in the future? How does your Internet marketing strategy support where you want to take your company? Do you have a roadmap to increase market awareness and sales?

Doing business on the Internet involves more than simply creating a website.

Building your website is just one step in an overall business Internet marketing strategy. Before you launch your company on the Internet, it's important to take time to determine your strategy - a strategy that will give you a clear vision of how your business can take advantage of Internet technology.

Zafel can help you develop a strategy that aims at achieving clear and measurable objectives, using appropriate Internet resources and within the limits of your budget.

Our team can advance your business by providing:

  • Search Engine Optimization
  • Search Engine Adwords Campaign
  • Industry Positioning
  • Print Media Planning, Design & Execution
  • Targeted E-mail
  • E-Newsletter

Our recent projects help to show some of the possibilities. To give you piece of mind, we invite you to look at the studies before you make your decision to have us help. When you are done. Take the initial steps and contact us today.

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Web Design

Internet Marketing

Identities, Business Cards, Brochures

Flash Development

E-Commerce & Yahoo! Stores

Web Applications and Custom Development

Web Hosting

Chicago, Fresno, and New York web design
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