Design and Marketing Team
Our Team

Our team is made up of some of the best people in the profession. Every member not only has the technical skills to perform their job, but also the ability to create a work environment unparalleled by others. By striving to create a positive team environment, Zafel has become a place where visions can be reached.

Principle Partners:

Curlen Phipps - The Maestro

With 10+ years experience in every aspect of production Curlen takes pride in "making the engine run." With his stong background and visionary mind set he helps our clients choose the best solution for their needs.

Zach vonFelten - The Eye

Zach combines both his technical and management skills with his natural artistic ability.  He has a sharp eye for visual design, an engineering background for organizing information logic, and a solid knowledge of what works and what doesn’t work on the web. He has over seven years of experience in search engine marketing, online usability, product development, and graphic design.

Matt Hazelton - The Human Puzzle Piece

In every organization you need someone to put the puzzle pieces together. Matt does just this. He uses his broad knowledge of software development, technical support, and hardware to make things work. He plays a vital role with our software development and consulting services.

Tosh Cook - The Business Black Belt

"Show me the money." Tosh recieved his MBA from Pepperdine and hasn't looked back. Venturing on a variety of projects he helps us with everything from marketing to finances. Plus, it helps to be a 2nd Degree Black Belt when it's time to collect the bills.

All partners are looked upon to be leaders inside and outside of the work place and community. This attitude can not only be seen by us, but by our clients.

Chicago, Fresno, and New York web design
© Copyright 2002-06 Zafel Web Design
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