web design
web design rates

Custom Web Design and Development

We have prepared a pricing structure for different custom web development packages for our clients that have identified their online need and direction for their web site, or already have a web site with the right content and site map but with the wrong presentation or design. These packages will include all what you need to get up running with a new custom web site in the shortest possible time.

Our general custom web design packages include:

Custom/Original 5 page web site


- Identify & design a professional online image, look & feel
- Design of a visually appealing user interface and Web environment
- Design and produce all custom graphic element
- Design, development and production of all HTML pages & Templates
- Design and implementation of the site navigation structure
- Production of navigation buttons or elements
- Configuring all internal and external links
- Acquiring, scanning or editing, & Web optimizing 7 images
- All client coordination, communication and project management
- Testing and uploading all Web site elements to the servers
- Addition of client supplied “Meta-Tags” and “Keywords to the Web Site
- Submission of your Site to 50 of the most popular Search Engines
- Free one hour per month site updates for three months
- Domain Name Registration, Activation, Setup
- Additional pages are priced at market rate
- E-commerce functionality available
- Site Extras available

Custom/Original 10 page web site


- Identify & design a professional online image, look & feel
- Design of a visually appealing user interface and Web environment
- Design and produce all custom graphic element
- Design, development and production of all HTML pages & Templates
- Design and implementation of the site navigation structure
- Production of navigation buttons or elements
- Configuring all internal and external links
- Acquiring, scanning or editing, & Web optimizing 12 images
- All client coordination, communication and project management
- Testing and uploading all Web site elements to the servers
- Addition of client supplied “Meta-Tags” and “Keywords to the Web Site
- Submission of your Site to 50 of the most popular Search Engines
- Free one hour per month site updates for three months
- Domain Name Registration, Activation, Setup
- Additional pages are priced at market rate
- E-commerce functionality available
- Includes 2 Site Extras

Custom/Original 20 page web site


- Identify & design a professional online image, look & feel
- Design of a visually appealing user interface and Web environment
- Design and produce all custom graphic element
- Design, development and production of all HTML pages & Templates
- Design and implementation of the site navigation structure
- Production of navigation buttons or elements
- Configuring all internal and external links
- Acquiring, scanning or editing, & Web optimizing 25 images
- All client coordination, communication and project management
- Testing and uploading all Web site elements to the servers
- Addition of client supplied “Meta-Tags” and “Keywords to the Web Site
- Submission of your Site to 50 of the most popular Search Engines
- Free one hour per month site updates for three months
- Domain Name Registration, Activation, Setup
- Additional pages are priced at market rate
- E-commerce functionality available
- Includes 3 Site Extras

Web Development/Site Extras

- Macromedia Flash
- MP3 Audio (For anyone who wants to add CD quality audio to their site.)
- Real Audio, QuickTime movies (Can be used to place your own video clips online.)

Call 559-284-6741 or contact us today for pricing.

Chicago, Fresno, and New York web design
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